Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A much needed explanation...

The title is a twist on the Latin adage verba volant scripta manent (spoken words fly away, written words remain). What if indeed the opposite were true? Many historians, in fact, argue that in ancient Rome the expression was used in a period when widespread analphabetism meant that stories passed-on by word of mouth were more likely to stay the test of time as opposed to written text which tended to collect dust in libraries (indeed oratory skills were considered a virtue).

Whichever version you might prefer, it seems that the expression is relevant today more than ever. We communicate both on paper and by word of mouth, but the “paper” is often virtual. So is the pen the “manent” and the qwerty board the “volant” or vice-versa? Does verbal communication have more staying power today than written communications?

These pages are not meant to be nearly as philosophical as the last paragraphs imply; rather, they are intended to discuss some of the preferred tools used in communicating over time as well as tools meant to keep time itself: fountain pens, phones, stationery and watches. Admittedly it is a stretch to combine these objects, but why not? Without too many details there will be basic reviews and musings on these and other objects related to communicating.

Let’s hope that these posts can be useful to those who happen upon them.

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