Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The (revolutionary?) iPhone

This will anger many who may read this post, but it is the best place to start.
The “Jesus Phone”, as many describe it, is over-hyped, over-exposed, over-priced and many many other “over-”s, but one cannot deny that it is revolutionary (if not technologically, certainly culturally and socially). The design is sleek and simple and offers the user a simple Mac OS interface. Most importantly it does what it says it does: nothing more and nothing less. This must be the reason it is loathed and loved at the same time. Even when Steve Jobs announced that it was coming, he never overstated what you could do with the product. People like the hype and got carried away in it without looking at the obvious pros and cons of the product, but that seems to happen often with Apple and is probably one of the secrets to its current success. The interesting question is: Can we consider the iPhone as revolutionary as the fountain pen?

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